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Generic Model Organism Database Construction Set

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USDA Agricultural Research Service
GMOD is supported by a specific cooperative agreement from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, and by NIH grants co-funded from the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
National Human Genome Researc Institute

Generic Model Organism Database Meeting

May 16-17, 2005
SRI, Menlo Park, CA
9:00am Introductions
Scott Cain, GMOD coordinator
9:15 Project updates (short!)
10:00 Break
10:15 My trip to France (setting up ParameciumDB)
Scott Cain
10:45 Textpresso update
Eimear Kenney
11:15 Pathway Tools
Peter Karp
12:00 Lunch
1:15 Porting CHADO and GMOD Tools to Oracle and Integration with dictyBase
Eric Just
2:00 chado design, XSL, XML, XORT
Pinglei Zhou and Chris Mungall
2:45 Break
3:00 BioMart and chado
Arek Kasprzyk
3:45 Turnkey
Brian O'Connor
4:30 Wrap up for the day--items to discuss over dinner
Scott Cain

Tuesday, May 17

9:00 Comparative genome annotation of D. pseudoobscura and its implementation in chado
Peili Zhang
9:45 sybil for comparative genomics
Samuel Angiuoli
10:30 Break
10:45 Apollo Update
Nomi Harris and Mark Gibson
10:45 Transposon Insertions and Transposon Constructs editor
Frank Smutniak
12:00 Lunch
1:15 Bio::GMOD and standard URLs
Todd Harris
2:15 Interaction Browsers (a presentation prepared at the meeting because the topic came up)
Ben Faga
2:30 Break
3:00 Das2
Lincoln Stein
3:45 Package Management for Bioinformatics Libraries, Applications and Data
Allen Day
4:30 Wrap up; next meeting, etc (with notes in the presentation from items discussed)
Lincoln Stein and Scott Cain

SourceForge Logo Wormbase Mouse Genome Database Saccharomyces Genome Database Flybase The Arabidopsis Information Resource Gramene: A Comparative Mapping Resource for Grains Rat Genome Database EcoCyc

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euGenes uses Argos: A Replicable Genome infOrmation System