euGenes :
Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms

2019-April: Archived at

Organism Available genes (*)
Fruitfly Genes (Drosophila melanogaster) 27,463
Human Genes (Homo sapiens) 31,896
Mouse Genes (Mus musculus) 37,779
Mosquito Genes (Anopheles gambiae) 14,706
Rat Genes (Rattus norvegicus) 22,158
Weed Genes (Arabidopsis thaliana) 29,388
Worm Genes (Caenorhabditis elegans) 23,399
Yeast Genes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 7,547
Zebrafish Genes (Danio rerio) 12,792
All Genes summaries
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Last updated: 20 November 2003

euGenes Clade-level Genome Databases

wFleaBase Daphnia waterflea genome database, 2006-2012+

DroSpeGe Twelve Drosophila species genomes, 2006

GMOD Tools Generic Model Organism Database tools and docs

Arthropod genomes, 2010+

EvidentialGene Evidence Directed Gene Models for Eukaryotes, 2010-2012+

Arthropod genomes phylogenic tree

Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms

euGenes provides a common summary of gene and genomic information from eukaryotic organism databases. This includes

  • Gene symbol and full name,
  • Chromosome, genetic and molecular map information,
  • Gene Ontology (Function/Location/Process) and gene homology, product information.
  • Links to extended gene information.

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    Developed at the Genome Informatics Lab
    of Indiana University Biology Department

    euGenes gratefully acknowledges support from National Science Foundation and Indiana U. Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
    NSF awards DBI-0090782 and DBI-9982851 to IUBio Archive

    (*) Available Gene counts are not yet the true number of genes in these organisms. They count valid gene records extracted from genome project sources. This number will converge on true gene counts as the genome project annotations become more accurate. Factors that vary these from true gene count include orphan gene records (from older research that cannot be confirmed to exist on genome), prediction artifacts, unmerged predicted - experimental records, and unfinished sequencing gaps. I.e., there are genes reported here that do not truly exist, and there exist genes that are not yet reported here.

    Send comments to us at
    euGenes uses Argos: A Replicable Genome infOrmation System